
From the scattergram given in Figure 2.9, what general conclusions do you draw? What is the economic theory that underlies this scattergram? (Hint: Look up any international economics textbook and read up on the Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade.)

From the scattergram given in Figure 2.9 , what general conclusions do you draw? What is the economic theory that underlies this scattergram? (Hint: Look up any international economics textbook and read up on the Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade.)
FIGURE 2.9 Skill intensity of exports and human capital endowment. Data are for 126 industrial and developing countries in 1985. Values along the horizontal axis are logarithms of the ratio of the country's average educational attainment to its land area; vertical axis values are logarithms of the ratio of manufactured to primary-products exports. Source: World Bank, Workd Developnent Report 1995, p. 59. Original sources Export data from United Nations Statistical Office COMTRADE database; education data from UNDP 1990; land data from the World Bank.

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