
Gradod Aescesment due Aug 34, 2022 23:18 EEST TruejFalse a.09.1 ports (gracich) indicate whether the following staternests are true of false. If a raticetal agem prefers alternative $i$ over $j$, then this user necessarily rectives a larget utiity when choosing alternative is than when choosing alternative $i$ - True False When mawimizing wellaze by following the Kaldor-1fcks criterion, the time spent dring by different persons is valued equally. True False The User Equibrium is a state that maximizes social welfare. True False Under which conditions a static route choice problem is a "congestion gane"? Matiple artimes miery be true. The arc cost functions orty depend on the flows on the sarne arts. The arc cost functions must be positive. The arc cost functions must be continuous. The are cost functions must be increasing. the are cost functicns must be strictly increasing. It is possible to increase the social welfare by removing a robd. True False When homogeneous users have to pass by a bottleneck to go to work, a socially optimal dymarnic tell can... Mriplet animara miry be true. -. greatly teduce schedule perialties - grestly teduce wating times

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