I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 15 (inclusive). You get four attempts to guess my number. After every
guess, I’ll tell you either “higher”, “lower”, or “correct.” If you correctly guess my number on one of your four
guesses, you win.
But there is a catch! If I ever respond “higher” three times in a row or “lower” three times in a row, the game
ends and you automatically lose. This rule applies to all three parts below, so do not forget it!
a. Your first guess is 9, and I respond “higher”. What should your second guess be in order to guarantee that you
will win? Are there multiple possible second guesses that guarantee a win?
b. Say we are playing the same game except I’m now thinking of a number between 1 and 24, and instead of
four guesses, you get five guesses. Your first guess is 12, and I respond “lower”. What should your second guess
be? Are you guaranteed to win?
c. Now we’re playing the same game except I’m thinking of a number between 1 and N (inclusive), and instead
of five guesses, you get eight guesses. What is the largest value of N such that you have a strategy that is
guaranteed to win?
Please include explanations with all of your answers.

Public Answer

CWDKYU The First Answerer