
Proportionate Mortality, In a specified population during a specified time period, the proportion of ail deaths due to disease X, usualy expressed as percent. Consider the data below and answer the four questions, please. Number of Deaths by Selected Causes, Hypothetical County, 2018 Age $25-49$ v Age 50 and Older Recall, PPM\% is NOT a measure of risk, because the denominator is al deaths. The dead are not at risk 1. Please complete the table by calculating and inserting the missing six PPMW: round to the nearest $10^{\mathrm{h}}$. ( 6 points) 2. Which age group had the larger number of accidents? (2 points) 3. Which age group had the larger PPM\% for accidents? (2 points) 4. What is missing that would let us estimate the risk of death from accidents in these age groups? (2 points)

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