
please show a visual. I have to place the colored block on the last graph. 
The following graph plots Brian's monthly demand curve (blue line) for acai bowls. The point denoted by A gives a point along his monthly demand curve. The market price of acai bowls is $\$ 2.25$ per bowi, given by the horizontal black line. Brian's Monthly Demand

From the previous graph, you can tell that Brian is willing to pay $s$ for his 6 th acal bowl each week. Because he has to pay only $\$ 2.25$ per bowl, the consumer surplus he gains from the 6 th acai bowl is Suppose the price of acai bowls were to fall to $\$ 1.50$ per bowl. At this lower price, Brian would receive a consumer surplus of from the 6th acai bowi he buys: The following graph plots the monthly market demand curve (blue line) for acat bowis in a hypothetical small economy. Use the purple point (diamond symbol) to shade the area representing consumer surplus when the price ( $\rho$ ) of acal bowis is $\$ 2.25$ per bowl. Then, use the green point (triangle symbol) to shade the area representing additional consumer surplus when the price falls to $\$ 1.50$ per bowl.

Use the purple point (diamond symbol) to shade the area representing consumer surpius when the price (P) of acai bowls is $\$ 2.25$ per bowl. Then, use the green point (triangle symbol) to shade the area representing additional consumer surplus when the price falls to $\$ 1.50$ per bowl. Small Economy's Monthly Demand Initial Consumer Surplus $(P=\$ 2.25)$ Additional Consumer Surplus $(P=\$ 1.50)$

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